This game was completed as an entry for the following game jam:

Name of Jam: Jim Jam #2

Date of Jam:
9/28/18 4:00pm CST - 9/30/18 6:00pm CST

Game Jam Theme: Ouroboros

Name of Game: The Very Hungry Dragon

Team Size: Solo

Note to Judges:
I completed this jam solo. Also, all components of this game(art, music, code, etc.) were made by me within the game jam time. The only material I used from someone else was one easing function from here.  Also, this was my first game jam! So, if you're doing the discord titles, here is my discord name:

Discord Name: Shyguy

Move: arrow keys or asdf
Action: left control

Gather elements from the colored stations, combine them at the center circle, and feed them to the dragon head. You have to find the right combination that the dragon likes in order to make it grow the most. The dragon is fickle too and changes which combo is its favorite after every level. See how many levels you can get through in the time limit! Completing a level will give you a little more time, but not much, so move fast!

Software Used:

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!


Made withUnity
Tags2D, Game Jam, jimjam2

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